Friday, November 19, 2010

The first six months

Our organization is only a half year old, but we have already sent our first volunteers to Kenya!

Sophie and Camilla from Denmark were one month in Kisii at Nyanchwa Primary School during the summer. Tanya, as well from Denmark, was at Cheryl's in Nairobi for one month in October.

At the moment another volunteer, Jorge from Spain, is volunteering as a teacher at Bella, Nairobi.

More volunteers are coming; I have been in touch with four Danish guys who are very interested to join Kenya from the start of next year. Today I received a mail from David telling me that Andrej from Slovakia would like to go next summer.

Even though we are proud of the first six months, our vision for this project is to send out far more volunteers.

Please support us by spreading the word from mouth to mouth or through our group at Facebook called Volunteers To Kenya.

- Simon (Danish coordinator)